Saturday, February 9, 2013

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Error E019 on Canon

Printer and photocopiers are designed in two different ways. The first type uses a mechanism that collects waste toner from the drum and sends it back to the developing unit or toner hopper to mix with new toner particles. This mixture is than utilized for further use. Although the ratio of used toner is very low, this method is not recommended for high quality printing. High quality printers and photocopiers apply another system that sends waste toner into a collection box instead of mixing with new toner. Thus only fresh toner is mixed with the developer and higher print quality can be achieved.
What is Error E019?
Error E019 in Canon copiers indicates that waste toner box is full and needs to be cleaned or disposed of. Failure to do so may result in background on printed pages. Canon recommends inspecting waste toner box after certain number of copies has been made (usually, but not necessarily more than 100,000). Be sure to dispose of the waste toner according to the standards imposed by the government concerned. Do not dispose of it into fire to avoid explosion.

Where waste toner case is located?
Location of waste toner case varies in each model. Usually it is located near the developing unit and can be seen easily. While it is difficult to discuss all models here, I’d like to explain Canon IR2200 as an example. You will find a plastic cover on left rear side of this machine. Remove one screw, detach the cover and take out the waste toner box. Dispose of the waste toner collecting inside the waste toner case. Clean both inside and outside of the waste toner case with alcohol. Don’t forget to clean the neck of the box because the waste toner might block the toner sensor path. Now fit the waste toner case back in the machine and mount the waste toner case cover with a screw.
Other Causes of Error E019
A faulty waste toner sensor may be another cause of Error E019. To confirm, restart the machine with no waste toner case inside. If it still displays E019 then most probably the sensor has gone.

Very rarely, a defective DC controller board PCB also result in E019.
How to reset:
After cleaning the waste toner box, turn the machine off then on to reset E019. If this doesn’t work, follow reset procedure described in this post.
Above mentioned description of E019 is valid for a lot of Canon photocopier models including Imagerunner600, IR1018, IR2018, IR2016, IR3300, IR1019, IR1023, IR2230, IR1024, etc.

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